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Raya Cina holidays END
bila dah tahu nak sekolah esok..
bagi budak  macam aku ni kadangkala boleh ditakrifkan pemalas dan juga ada ada serba sedikit rajinnya...
yang serba...bla bla..
straight to the point ah senang!..
aku tak suka sekolah esok!
kenapa cuti cepatnya dah sampai penghujung?
kenapa aku rasa aku tak rasa langsung mood have fun dekat Ipoh hari tu?
kenapa mesti sekolah esok?
kenapa masa cepatnya berlalu?
kenapa homework aku rasa cam sikit ni macam banyak je?
kenapa aku rasa malas nak siapkan ni?
kenapa aku banyak tanya ni?
kenapa aku perlu taip merepek..
eh jari..berhentilah taip merepek...
eh kenapa aku baru sedar..
40% je siap homework? oh damn! i doomned..
i'm dead with cikgu eko.geo.Muet..dan seangkataan dengannya..!
 listen!....kalau kau fikir 
"alah bodohnya! dah tahu homework tak siap kenapa main blog lagi?"
kenapa kau nak buang masa?!"
jawapannya ialah...
lek ah! kerja sekolah  aku dah hampir siap dah pun...
cuma perlu tenaga rajin tu datang lagi ..
untuk aku siapkan malam ni...
atau mungkin aku terpaksa stay up late ..
or bak kata budak zaman sekarang..
Jadi burung hantu ke ha? ...
oh ye! before i want to end this entry..
i have been questioning myself this lately..
 with this random question that always mess up my head..
i think i want to paste in my blog..
so that when i read it back..
i wont forget who am I in the past..
here is the question that i heve been asking myself that driven me crazy..
are you that stupid?
are you that damn so lazy person?
do you have ambition?
do you think you have matured enough?
are you Islam enough?
after i have been thinking it  lately so the answer is..
Yes...but only half..
yes...but still doubt about it...
nope...because i think i'm still 17 ...
answer for the last quetions ...is...HA? ERM...No answer...
pasal Islam kan...
aku tahu ia agama aku...
Allah  itu Tuhan aku yang satu...
tapi sebenarnya aku erm sebenarnya...aku tak rasa i'm not really that religious person...
its somestimes when i read the Novel that written by HLovate...it wakes me up enough..
its shows me how beautiful Islam are...
how to be closed to Allah...
its show how great Allah is...
it somestimes...taught me to know myself
 taught me what is Right and what is Wrong...
and somestimes i have been thingking...
"am I good enough?"
i promise to myself...
i try to change...
to be a better person...
to be more close to Allah...
and dear fellas...
take note:
but its worth to try it :)
for your sake to be close to Allah..
to know who is your Creator :)

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